How to write a great job ad for developers
Follow these 8 tips to craft job listings that help you attract developers to your team.
Read moreCEO at People-First Jobs.
Follow these 8 tips to craft job listings that help you attract developers to your team.
Read moreThe notion of “healthy tension” is misleading, and it’s time we stop using it to dress up work environments that lack trust and alignment and to normalize relationships that are anything but healthy.
Read moreHave you ever been spoiled by a boss so amazing it's made every other leader seem just... meh? Here’s why that’s a blessing and a curse.
Read moreThis month, we enjoyed reading about authenticity in the workplace, how to overcome shyness in a remote workplace, and what you can do to make performance reviews *actually* useful.
Read moreHere are just a few great pieces of content from the People-First community (and beyond) that I absolutely loved reading over the last few weeks—and I thought you might enjoy them, too.
Read moreTrue perk or just a marketing tactic? Here are the questions every candidate should ask when interviewing with a company that offers unlimited PTO.
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