The people-first reading list [October edition]

Here are just a few great pieces of content from the People-First community (and beyond) that I absolutely loved reading over the last few weeks—and I thought you might enjoy them, too.

The people-first reading list [October edition]

This isn't working

Whenever a newsletter from The Raw Signal Group ends up in my inbox, I get genuinely excited because I just love their writing. This recent piece by Jonathan Nightingale is no different. Jonathan talks about the power of stating “This isn’t working” and why we need to talk to each other to build the Future of Work together.

Sorry I’m getting kicked out of this room — Raw Signal Group
We’re not trying to pour salt in everyone’s Future of Work wounds. But if we want to understand the nagging sense, the underlying frustration, the thing that’s screaming in blinky red lights. We’re gonna have to say it out loud.

How do you create and nurture a feedback culture?

Keysa Yánez shares what the team at Slite has done to build a culture of feedback and provides an honest recap of what worked for the team—and what didn't.

Is a feedback culture part of nature or something to nurture?

What it's like to start a new role at Buffer

Behind the scenes at a people-first company: Kirsti Lang is Buffer's new content writer (Congrats, Kristi! 🎉) and in this blog post, she shares what it's like to to start working at a fully distributed, remote company with a 4 day work week:

Work as a form of craft

Steve Schoeffel, Co-Founder at Whimsical, says there's one word that describes Whimsical's essence: craftsmanship. At it's core, that means an unwavering commitment to extreme quality—and in this post, Steve shares how this approach shapes how the team at Whimsical builds its products.

Craftsmanship, the heart of Whimsical | Whimsical
Craftsmanship is a core belief that drives everything we do at Whimsical. But what exactly does that entail? Our co-founder Steve Schoeffel breaks down exactly what craftsmanship means at Whimsical.

Do you actually live your company values?

The good folks at Help Scout share the four steps they have taken to define, share, and live their values.

4 Steps Toward Building a Culture That’s Aligned with Company Values - Help Scout
Key lessons we’ve learned at Help Scout about building a values-aligned culture.